Digital Tutors Previsualization Techniques in MotionBuilder 動畫教學 英文版
HoneRiSO Apps
軟體名稱: Digital Tutors Previsualization Techniques in MotionBuilder
語系版本: 英文版
光碟片數: 單片裝
保護種類: 無保護
破解說明: 無
系統支援: 適用所有支援播放 FLV 檔案作業系統
硬體需求: 適用所有支援播放 FLV 檔案作業系統
軟體類型: 動畫教學
更新日期: 2012.02.28
軟體發行: Digital Tutors(i.NKiSO)
中文網站: 無
軟體簡介: (以官方網站為準)
由 Digital Tutors 推出了 Previsualization Techniques in MotionBuilder 視
覺預覽技術的教學,使用的軟體 Autodesk MotionBuilder 2012,主講人是Delano
Athias 教學時間 47 分鐘
01.Introduction and project overview
02.Setting up the scene
03.Animating the stand in prop setting up a shot cameras
04.Adding the last shot camera
05.Working with the Camera Switcher
06.Replacing the stand in with an animated character
07.The Particle Shader
08.Relighting the scene to match the mood of the story
09.Finalizing our work
‧光碟內附 Windows 與 Mac 版的 FLV 檔案播放軟體
Digital Tutors Professional Series Animating Realistic Eyes in Maya 動畫教學 英文版
HoneRiSO Apps
軟體名稱: Digital Tutors Professional Series Animating Realistic Eyes in Maya
語系版本: 英文版
光碟片數: 單片裝
保護種類: 無保護
破解說明: 無
系統支援: 適用所有支援播放 FLV 檔案作業系統
硬體需求: 適用所有支援播放 FLV 檔案作業系統
軟體類型: 動畫教學
更新日期: 2012.02.28
軟體發行: Digital Tutors(i.NKiSO)
中文網站: 無
軟體簡介: (以官方網站為準)
由 Digital Tutors 推出了人物面部眼睛動畫的教學,使用的軟體 Autodesk Maya
2012,主講人是 Delano Athias 教學時間 42 分鐘
01.Introduction and project overview
02.Breaking down the mechanics of a stare
03.The eye patterns of a thinking character
04.Eye reactions of a happy character
05.Dissecting the eye reactions of an angry character
06.The eye reactions of a sad character
07.The eye patterns of a lying character
08.The eye patterns of a character recalling something from memory
09.Additions to the facial rig
‧光碟內附 Windows 與 Mac 版的 FLV 檔案播放軟體
Digital Tutors Removing Objects with Camera Projection in NUKE 影片後製教學 英文版
HoneRiSO Apps
軟體名稱: Digital Tutors Removing Objects with Camera Projection in NUKE
語系版本: 英文版
光碟片數: 單片裝(單面 DVD)
保護種類: 無保護
破解說明: 無
系統支援: 適用所有支援播放 FLV 檔案作業系統
硬體需求: 適用所有支援播放 FLV 檔案作業系統
軟體類型: 影片後製教學
更新日期: 2012.02.24
軟體發行: Digital Tutors(i.NKiSO)
中文網站: 無
軟體簡介: (以官方網站為準)
由 Digital Tutors 推出了利用 NUKE 6.3v1 來移除物件教學,使用的軟體 NUKE
6.3v1,主講人是 Chris Glick 教學時間 2 個小時又 53 分鐘
01.Introduction and project overview
02.Creating a 3D scene with the NUKEX Camera Tracker
03.Offsetting the 3D nodes to set a ground plane
04.Creating a proof of concept in NUKE with 3D cards
05.Cropping a frame to begin the clean plate in Photoshop
06.Transforming and masking other frames to match
07.Filling in the holes with other frames and our workflow
08.Outputting the PSD with an Alpha for NUKE
09.Placing our 3D card by changing the pivot and nudging
10.Using a 3D Card to cut away part of our render
11.Using the same techniques to create the bottom of the sign
12.Using color corrections to create the edge of the sign
13.Using the same techniques to create the background sign
14.Using extreme cropping in Photoshop to create the wall
15.Placing our back wall card in 3D space
16.Using roto to remove part of the wall
17.Re using the blue bottom to create the black side structure
18.Editing and placing our front wall to complete our composite
19.Placing our wall and animating cards to fix small issues
20.Filling in the back wall with an pipeline entirely in NUKE
21.Finishing our last card with the lighter brick wall
22.Checking for holes in the alpha and fixing them
23.Making last minute tweaks and rendering our composite
‧光碟內附 Windows 與 Mac 版的 FLV 檔案播放軟體
Digital Tutors Rigging Sea Creatures in Maya 動畫教學 英文版
HoneRiSO Apps
軟體名稱: Digital Tutors Rigging Sea Creatures in Maya
語系版本: 英文版
光碟片數: 單片裝(單面 DVD)
保護種類: 無保護
破解說明: 無
系統支援: 適用所有支援播放 FLV 檔案作業系統
硬體需求: 適用所有支援播放 FLV 檔案作業系統
軟體類型: 動畫教學
更新日期: 2012.02.24
軟體發行: Digital Tutors(i.NKiSO)
中文網站: 無
軟體簡介: (以官方網站為準)
由 Digital Tutors 推出了利用 Autodesk Maya 2012 動畫教學,使用的軟體Maya
2012,主講人是 Delano Athias 教學時間 5 個小時又 5 分鐘
01.Introduction and project overview
02.A discussion on the design of the control rig
03.Prepping the scene
04.Adding tools and scripts to our shelf
05.Building curves for the vertebrae and tail
06.Creating curves for ribcage and hip bones
07.Building bones for the dorsal column
08.Extra joints for the ribcage and hip
09.The tail bones
10.Adding the head bone
11.Clusters for the creatures front fin
12.Creating joints along the front fin
13.Finishing the front fin joints
14.Clusters along the back fin
15.Setting up the back fin joints
16.Binding the creature
17.Editing the deformations of the neck and head
18.Refining the deformations of the back fins
19.Correcting the deformations of the ribcage and hip
20.Constraining the vertebrae and tail bones to their drive chains
21.Spline IK system for the vertebrae
22.Controlling the midsection of the vertebrae
23.Animation controls for the vertebrae
24.Finishing the animation controls for the vertebrae
25.The center of gravity control
26.Starting on the vertebraes twist rig
27.Completing the twist rig
28.Neck and head controls
29.Building FK controls for the tail
30.Continuing the FK tail rig
31.Connecting tail bones to FK controls dynamically parenting the tail
32.Setting up a switch for the tail control system
33.Completing the FK tail rig
34.Starting the auto overlap rig for the tail
35.Connecting the tails chain to its dynamic curve
36.Controlling the dynamic tail in real time
37.Adding a global control organizing the scene
38.Auxiliary controls for the extra tail bones
39.Rigging the front fins
40.Finishing the front fin controls
41.Setting up the back fins
42.Dynamically parenting the back fins
43.Toe controls
44.Finishing the toe controls
45.Simulating a swimming aquatic creature
46.Controlling the creatures swim system
47.Finalizing the control rig
48.A discussion on animating the sea creature
‧光碟內附 Windows 與 Mac 版的 FLV 檔案播放軟體